Friday 13 September 2019


Unit-2: Curriculum Development for Distance Education
* Concept and Nature of Curriculum Development
* Curriculum Planning, Designing and Implementation
* Curriculum Transaction
* Curriculum Evaluation
* Curriculum Experiences - Tertiary Education, School Education, Vocational Education, Formal,
   Non-Formal, Continuing Education

* Concept of Curriculum

* Foundations of Curriculum

* Curriculum: Issues and Trends in Distance Education

* Curriculum Development

*Curriculum Planning

* Curriculum Designing

* Curriculum Implementation

* Curriculum Transaction

* Curriculum Evaluation

* Curriculum Experiences

Unit-3: Communication Technologies in Distance Education

* Introduction to Communication Technology in Distance Education
* Types of Technology used  in Distance Education, e-education
* Delivery Methods in Distance Education- E-mail, web portal, virtual classrooms, virtual reality
* Delivery of Learning Management System in Distance Education

* Introduction to Communication Technology in Distance Education
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing a vital role in open and distance learning (ODL) to meet the requirements and expectations of the learners' in large scale. It is difficult to perform the same using any traditional institutional system due to its limited resources.

The primary technology in distance learning is the internet. And more and more it is wireless or mobile technology which is driving the growth. People are using their smartphones, laptops and tablets to catch a lesson no matter where they are. As long as they have some free time, they are logging in and learning.

The Different Kinds of Technologies Used in Distance Education
  • Audioconference. An audioconference connects instructors and students using standard telephone lines for real-time discussion. ...
  • Multimedia. Course material is available on CD, DVD, videocassette, audiocassette, or other types of stored media. ...
  • Online. ...
  • Print. ...
  • Telecourse/Datacast. ...
  • Videoconference. ...
  • Webcast. ...
  • Webconference.
ICT in Distance Education (UNESCO)

* Types of Technology used  in Distance Education, e-education

Wednesday 11 September 2019


* Education as a Discipline: Characteristics and Criteria, Education as a Process
* Interdisciplinary Nature of Education: Its Relationship with other Disciplines viz. Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
* Factors Determining the Educational System of a Country
* Teacher Education as Professional Discipline
* Role of Teacher in the Educative Process

Presentation (ppt) for Education as a Discipline & Interdisciplinary Nature of Education

Role of Teacher in Education

Definition of  Academic Discipline
An Academic Discipline or field of study is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched as a part of higher education.

According to ZONGYI DENG "An Academic Discipline is a field or branch of learning affiliated with an Academic Department within a university, formulated for the advancement of research and scholarship and the professional training of researchers, academics, and specialists. 

Additional Information

Education As a Process

Sunday 1 September 2019

EDNC:101 Philosophical Foundations of Education

Unit-1: Introduction to Philosophy of Education
* Education as an Academic Discipline, Education as a Science and Art
* Meaning, Need, Nature & Scope of Philosophy and its relationship to Education
* Functions of Philosophy of Education: Speculative, Normative & Critical
* Determinants of Aims of Education

Philosophical Foundation of Education (e-books)

KKHSOU, Guwahati

Education as an Academic Discipline, Education as a Science and Art

Definition of  Academic Discipline
An Academic Discipline or field of study is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched as a part of higher education.

According to ZONGYI DENG "An Academic Discipline is a field or branch of learning affiliated with an Academic Department within a university, formulated for the advancement of research and scholarship and the professional training of researchers, academics, and specialists. 

Education as a Science and Arts

Science is a systematic and precise body of knowledge in a particular field of the world. It seeks to discover the general laws regulating the phenomena in that field through observation and experiments. As per this definition, education must be taken as a science since it is a systematic body of knowledge accumulated through ages by observation and experiments. It has its own theories and laws for arrangement and organization of educational activities. Education has been developed as a science during these recent years.

Similarly, art is used in two senses (i) one for producing something beautiful, e.g., singing, dancing, painting and (ii) another for applying knowledge in realizing some useful ends, e.g. surgery, engineering. As per this meaning, education should be regarded as an art since it attempts to make human activities beautiful and meaningful. It utilizes the knowledge and techniques of its own and other disciplines like psychology, economics, philosophy and so on.
The latest trend “educational technology” consists of all media, methods and materials being utilized for optimum development of education. That is, the results of different sciences are being utilized in education for the growth and development of the individual as well as the society.
On the whole, education maybe regarded both as a science and art since it consists of theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills derived through various artistic and scientific methods and aims at achieving desired objectives by applying them in human behaviour and practices.


Additional Information (Education as a Science and Arts)

Meaning of Education

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy of Education

* Meaning, Need, Nature & Scope of Philosophy and its relationship to Education

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Philosophy

Need of Philosophy
Philosophy uses the tools of logic and reason to analyze the ways in which humans experience the world. It teaches critical thinking, close reading, clear writing, and logical analysis; it uses these to understand the language we use to describe the world, and our place within it.

* Functions of Philosophy of Education: Speculative, Normative & Critical

Philosophical understanding of Education

* Determinants of Aims of Education

Aims of Education

Additional Resources

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them. The ideas in philosophy are often general and abstract.

What is the job of a Philosopher?

Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them. The ideas in philosophy are often general and abstract.

Why Philosophy is an Activity?
In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other. As an academic disciplinephilosophy is much the same.

The Real Meaning of Philosophy?

The noun philosophy means the study of proper behaviour, and the search for wisdom. The original meaning of the word philosophy comes from the Greek roots philo- meaning "love" and -sophos, or "wisdom." ... In other words, they want to know the meaning of life.

Useful Websites of Philosophy

1. Online Research in Philosophy

2. Philosophy related websites

3. Your favourite philosophy websites

4. Top 100 Philosophy Blogs, Websites and Newsletters 

5. Guide to the World's Philosophers

6. Indian Philosophical Congress

7. The American Philosophical Association

8. Dictionary of Philosophy

9. List of important publications in Philosophy

10. Upcoming events in Philosophy

11. Philosophy...Stanford

12. Philosophy conferences (world wide)

Books on Philosophy